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Hi there! So in the last episode, Zogyan (I think it is) left comments in the comment section that says “YOU ARE SO RAILROAD!” Really? Ok, so what we’re gonna do today is called a Dirty Dungeon. What’s this whole thing? It’s a way to take the most linear kind of adventure in the world – a dungeon crawl – and make it into something that is completely non… railroady. Something that the Game Master has very little control over and the players have a lot of control over. We’re going to do with the old recipe of mine – from the Wilderness of Mirrors. Those of you who know WoM will know what we are going to do here. So, what I recommend you to do is to take you is get your favourite fantasy roleplaying game – whichever that one might be – and two other things. First, a bag of dice and second – a bowl. Now what you are going to to? You are going to tell your players that they are going for a dungeon crawl. Go through some big scary dungeon! But before they’ll go, they’re gonna plan. They’re not gonna walk into some ancient dungeon blindfolded and go ,,let’s stumble through the traps and hope that we’re bail and sort it out”. No! That would be like Indiana Jones… They’re gonna have a map! The best part about this for you, Dungeon Masters out there, is that wou won’t have to make the map. In fact, you won’t have to state out the monsters, you won’t to lay the traps, you won’t have to place secret passages… none of that! The players are gonna to do it for you and here is how it works. At first, explain to the players, that they are going to spend a part of their time before they go to the dungeon doing research. They’re going to find ancient maps, they’re going to talk to people who have been to the dungeon and failed – those guys with one arm that say ,,Oh there’s this trap that comes down like this and slices your arm off and arrrrrgh” – these guys. You want to get stories about the dungeon: maps, stories, legends, old moldy books… all this kind of stuff. This is were the dice come to play. I recommend to use d4s, because in your favourite roleplaying system with dungeons, trolls, tunnels and things, I find that little bonuses are best. Go ahead and get yourself a d4s… and get a bowl. Whenever the players add one element to the dungeon – e. g. when they find a guy who tells them about the trap – you take that die and throw it into the bowl. When some other player character finds a part about an old map that leads to the dungeon and that player even draws it out for your, because he is a good player… not only does he add an element to the dungeon, but he is actually creating a prop for it. Two dice! Now when somebody else comes with something even more brilliant. They say ,,there is big nasty monster in the dungeon. He is a big scary thing and he is a vampire troll! He is a troll with a vampire template!”. Three dice! More dice, more dice! Every element they add to the dungeon earns one dice to the pool. If it’s a little element – one dice. If it’s a big element – two dice. If it’s _really_ dangerous, they’ll get three dice!

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Posledná úprava stránky: 18. 03. 2010 10.22